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Main Scriptures: 2Tim.2:14-15

More Scriptures: 1Pet.3:7, Col.3:21, Pro.4:18

Continuous learning is key to growing up as the good and godly husbandman. That is why I love the affirmative and desperate heart cry of Apostle Paul. Although he had deep encounters with the Person of the Holy Spirit, leading him to write about three quarter of the Bible, yet he longed to know more of Jesus Christ. He did not assume that he knows enough of Jesus Christ. He strived hard to deepen his personal relationship with Christ.

That is the attitude God wants you to have. You must continue to deepen your knowledge of your wife and children. You must never allow assumptions to take the better part of your leadership function in your family fold. Even the Scriptures warn against becoming complacency. What sorrow awaits you who lounge in luxury in Jerusalem and you who feel secure in Samaria……. (Amos 6:1) NLT. Another version says, “woe unto them that are at ease in Zion…….” As the head of the family, you cannot know enough about your wife and children. The knowledge about your wife when you both just got married would need to be enhanced by the time she starts bearing children for you. A lot of things mentally, psychologically, and physically, must have changed with her. So, it is with your children. The knowledge that you have of your children when they were toddlers would need to be enhanced when they become young teenagers and into adulthood.

As the head of the family and the leader over the sheep of God in your custody, you must understand that knowledge is incremental if it would be relevant and impactful. The Bible tells us that the path of the justified shines brighter and brighter unto a perfect day (Pro.4:18). You must keep searching and learning about your sheep. God has positioned you to lead your wife and children. You need to connect to their spirits, souls and bodies in order to make the most of their followership of your headship. To learn about your wife and children, ask the Person of the Holy Spirit to open your eyes to see their strength, weakness and fears. Also, ask Him to open your ears to hear those small still voices that prompt you about the character and expectation of your wife and children. And the Holy Spirit, the Comforter will teach you all things…. (Jn.14:26). And as you give yourself to learning on a continuous basis about your wife and children, it becomes easier for you to lead them as the good and godly man, husband and father.


  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, deliver me from every spirit of error and fill me with the spirit of truth.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, open the eyes of my heart to know more about my wife and children.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, deliver me from complacency and pride and make me lead my wife and children according to knowledge of Scriptures.


I am committed and seek to know more and more about my wife and children and improve my knowledge base about them until the perfect day because that makes me the good and godly husbandman in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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