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Main Scriptures: Jn.8:1-12

More Scriptures: 1Pet.3:7, Matt.8:27, Lk.10:33

The event in John chapter 8 and verses 1 to 12 is profound. It is one Scripture that defines the true character of Jesus Christ, the perfect example of the good and godly husbandman. It helps us to understand that power without compassion and mercy is evil.

This is the summary of the event. The woman was caught right in the act of adultery by the people in her community. Those who arrested her brought her to Jesus Christ to judge. These are the facts of the matter. First, she committed the offence. Second, she had no defence. Third, she broke the law. Fourth, she deserved to be punished. Fifth, the tradition of her time was not in her favour. The odds were against her and she had no way of escape.

When they brough her to Jesus Christ to judge, He did something outstanding. He recognized that she did the wrong. But He requested from the accusers that the person who knew no sin should be the first to haul stone at the woman. One by one, they all disappeared, leaving only the woman alone. And Jesus said this to her, when Jesus had lifted up himself and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, woman, where are those thine accusers? Hath no man condemned thee? She said, no man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, neither do I condemn thee, go and sin no more (Jn.8:10-11)

A lot of the time as the godly husbandman, you see and experience the wrong things your wife and children have done. Daily, their faults and weakness stare you in the face, and rightly so. But because you have the mind and life of Christ in you, you can become like Him when you want to make a decision about the offence of your sheep. What is your attitude toward your wife, children and others when they offend you? Are you moved by compassion towards them the same way Jesus was moved with compassion towards the woman or the people that had no shepherd (Mk.6:34)? Or you are quick to condemn your wife and children?

Infact, her accusers wanted Jesus to condemn her as well, and justifiable so. But Jesus saw beyond her faults. He saw a better life for her. While the people condemned her, Jesus did not. Now, this is the mind that God wants you and I to have towards our sheep. The Scriptures say, “let this mind be in you, even the mind of Christ” (Phil.2:5). God wants you to be guided by His word and not traditions and customs of men. He wants your decision to be influenced by the revealed truth of His word. If you do not allow your mind to be influenced by the word of God, you will struggle to let go offences from your wife and children.

So, learn to forgive and condemn your wife and children even if they deserve judgement. Pray for them and handhold them until they overcome their fault lines and become all that God has planned for them. (Gal.4:19).


  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, help me to see beyond the failures of my wife and children and empower me to forgive them.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, empower me with the spirit of mercy and compassion toward my wife and children.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, overwhelm me with Your love and let me demonstrate same to my wife and children, passionately.


I walk in the love and compassion of Christ towards my wife and children because that is what makes me the good and godly husbandman in Jesus name. Amen.

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