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Main Scriptures: Mark 13:36-37

More Scriptures: Jos.24:15, Mk.9:29, Ps.16:6

Watch ye therefore, for ye know not when the master of the house cometh at even or at midnight or at the cockcrowing or in the morning. Lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping. And what I say unto you I say unto all, watch (Mk.13:35-37)

If you look at the opening statement from Mark chapter 13 and verse 36, you will understand the importance of not letting down your guards. It says, “watch ye therefore”. It is both an admonition and a command. And that is, you have the responsibility to watch over the affairs of your wife and children and your family kingdom. It is important for you to note that as the head of your family and the spiritual authority over the members of your flock, you have a greater role to play as a watchman. You are the shepherd and your wife and children are your sheep. No one, not even the devil, can gain entrance into their lives without your permission.

But how do I stay awake, watching over my wife and children? Jesus Christ gives the answers. He says, “watch and pray”. This means that you must pray and continue to intercede for your wife and children. You must also be vigilant to observe any strange association, behaviour or ungodly tendencies in and around the lives of your sheep and in your sheep? You must not give up and surrender to the wills of satan, sin and the world. You must tarry in prayers until you see the plan of God fulfilled in their lives. I travailed until Christ is formed in them (Gal.4:19).

Your greatest heritage is the security of your wife and children. God wants you to lead your sheep onto a life of spirituality, honour and dignity. God has a good plan for them, and He has placed you as the person to cooperate with Him to make it a reality. Satan doesn’t like it. He is waiting for that opening so that he can enter into your sheep and sheepfold (Jn.10:10). You must not give him that space. You must stop him and all that he represents by the power of tireless intercession and prayer.


  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, endue me with power to watch over my wife and children diligently.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, deliver me from fear and timidity.
  • Father, in the name of Jesus, fill me with the Spirit of courage and boldness, as I commit to be on guard, watching over my wife and children.


I am on my guard and alert over my wife and children because I am ordained by God to be the good and godly husbandman in Jesus mighty name. Amen.

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