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Main Scriptures: Mark 3:23-27

More Scriptures: Gen.4:2, 1Sam.17:20, 1 Chro.19:9

If you have seen a musician who has attained fame and fortune, he or she is surrounded by hefty men. These men are called bouncers. These bouncers provide protection for the music superstar and ensure that they restrict the crowd from rushing at them. A lot of the times, the bouncers form a ring around their client. These bouncers are strong physically and very alert. It would be very difficult for anyone from the crowd to break through the bouncers if the music star did not extend invitation. So, you can relate with the Scripture below to understand that you are a bouncer. You are the strong man.

“And he called them unto him and said unto them in parables, how can satan cast out satan? And if a KINGDOM be divided against itself, that KINGDOM cannot stand. And if a HOUSE be divided against itself, that HOUSE cannot stand. And if satanrise up against himself, and be divided, he cannot stand, but hath an end. NO MAN CAN ENTER INTO A STRONG MAN’S HOUSE, AND SPOIL HIS GOODS, EXCEPT HE WILL FIRST BIND THE STRONG MAN, AND THEM HE WILL SPOIL HIS HOUSE (Mk.3:23-27).

No intruder has the right to enter your house, except you permit it. No uninvited elements can break into your sheepfold if you do not allow them. You are like the bouncers around the music star. You are strong, watchful, and firm. As the head of the family, you have been called unto greater responsibilities- to keep and secure your wife and children against the devil, sin and the world. God has entrusted into your hands the lives of your wife and children. If anything happens to them, God will hold you accountable, just the same way he held the first husband, Adam, accountable for the failure of his wife and family in Gen.3:9. Sadly, husbandmen have left their gates wide opened for the enemy to come through and that has accounted for the increasing cases of wayward and irresponsible families around the world today, particularly Christian families. Many husbands cannot explain what has happened to their wives and children. They sense that their families have derailed but cannot place their hands at the root cause. Keeping the gate shut against the torrent of evil is not a function of your position or title. If you do not wake up to keep watch over your gates, you will soon realize that your wife and children have turned into an uncontrollable element that may cause you pains and heart ache in the future. Do not watch satan, sin and the world gain inroad to your sheepfold and into the lives of your wife and children. Stand up by the power of the Holy Ghost and stop every ungodly intruder. You have the power to stop the forces of hell. Now is the time to keep your family fold secured. Now is the time to tell satan, sin and the world, “YOU CAN’T COME IN”.


  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, empower me with all round fitness for the security of my wife, children and sheepfold.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, close every opening through which the devil has entered my home.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, make me a watchful shepherd over my wife, children and sheepfold.


I am a divine stopper and I secure the good and godly heritage of my wife, children and sheepfold because that is what makes me the good and godly husbandman in Jesus name. Amen.

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