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Main Scriptures: Col.2:6-8

More Scriptures: Lk.21:8, Matt.24:4, 2Thess.2:3

I have come to discover that one area that the good and godly husbandman struggles with is how to overcome tradition when he wants to decision. A lot of times, he is drawn between what the Bible says and what the tradition of his environment says. As godly husbandmen, we just think that we cannot be influenced negatively by tradition until when challenges throw themselves. And this explains why oftentimes, even as believers, we seem to manifest worldly tendencies, without knowing. But the word of God makes it very clear that you and I must be very careful of the tradition of men rather we must live the word of God.

In Col.2:8, the word of God says, beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world and not after Christ.

As the head of your family, your life and conversation and conduct must be guided by the eternal principles of the word of God. Yes, the instructions from the Bible may not and will always not make any sense, but it contains in it life everlasting. It contains the keys that you require to unlock the doors of wisdom to relate with your wife and children, power to deal with all forms of ungodliness, and so much more.

Let’s take a few examples of biblical instructions that override the rudiments and tradition of men. The Bible tells you to follow peace with all men…(Heb.12:14). But the tradition of men says an eye for an eye, revenge! This is not the way of God. It is the tradition of men. Whatever you do that defeats the will of God for your life as the good and godly husbandman and leader must be rejected.

Now where does this negative influence of tradition come from? It may come from your wife, children or even friends, families and relations. If what you are asked to do is not after Christ, firmly say NO. But how do I escape unrighteous influences? First, you must let your wife and children and those around you know that you stand for JESUS and JESUS alone. His ways are your ways and His thoughts are your thoughts. Never allow your emotions to make you come down low to the rudiments of the world. Secondly, you must deliberately ask the Holy Spirit to anoint you with the Spirit of boldness, courage and faith. In Jos.1:6, the Scripture says, be strong and of a good courage…………(Jos…1:6)… And in verse nine (9) of Joshua chapter 1, the Bible also said, Be strong and of a good courage…(Jos.1:9).

As the leader in your home, you must have the strength to draw the lines between what is acceptable and what is not, on the basis of the word of God. Being the godly husbandman is a charge to be profitable and productive to God, your wife, children and the market place of life. Live by the word of God.


·        Father, in the Name of Jesus, empower me to be steadfast in doing what is right at all times.

·        Father, in the Name of Jesus, deliver me from the deceitfulness of the world and the tradition of men.

·        Father, in the Name of Jesus, fill me with the Spirit of faith, boldness and courage that I may do Your will.


I refuse ungodly influences and stand for the truth of the word of God because that is what makes me the good and godly husbandman in Jesus name. Amen

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Published inDaily Devotionals


  1. Steven Steven

    Please make background dark mode and larger print thanks mo

    • Thehusbandman Thehusbandman

      God bless you and thanks for the information. We will work on it.


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