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Bible Texts: Jn.3:14-16, 2Cor.5:17, Rom.12:2, 2Cor.9:7

As the head of the family, the ultimate goal of God for you is to be like Him. God wants your wife and children to see Him through you. And one of those attributes that God wants you to manifest to your wife is giving, out of love.

For God so loved the world that he gave….(Jn.3:16).

God gives because that is His nature but man gives expecting something in return. God wants you to give in response of His love. If you look around you, you will see the giving character of God. The sun that gives sunlight, the moon that gives moon light, the rain, the stars in the firmament, the trees, the seas, oceans, mountains and many more. God did not withhold anything and wasn’t expecting anything from you and I. He did not consider our failings, betrayals or misbehaviour. Despite all, God still loves us. This is the attitude that God wants you to demonstrate to your wife and children. God wants you to give your time, money, skills, experiences, and gifts to your sheep, sacrificially.

But how do I develop this kind of godly character as the good and godly husbandman? Firstly, you must make your ways right with God by repenting of your sins and inviting Jesus Christ to become your Lord and saviour. If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature, old things have passed way, behold, all things have become new (2Cor.5:17). Secondly, you must engage the word of God in study and meditation to the end that it will renew your mind. And be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God (Rom.12:2). Thirdly, you must intentionally give in love (2Cor.9:7).

And as you give to your wife and children, out of love, you grow into the fullness of the nature of Jesus Christ and it shall be well with you.

  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, whosoever digs the pit of sickness and disease for me and my family, let them fall into it (Ps.7:15-16)
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, make me stronger and fitter in this year 2022 than I was in 2021 (Ps.46:1-3).

The devotional IN TUNE WITH GOD© is published by The Husbandman Mission International, Headquartered in Abuja, Nigeria.

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Jesus Christ is Lord over all

Bro. Ebenezer O. Igure.

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