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Fear thou not, for I am with thee ……..yea I will help thee…For I thy Lord will hold your thy right hand, saying unto thee, fear not, I will help thee. Fear not, thou worm of Jacob, and ye men of Israel, I will help thee (Is.41:10-14).

Rejoice, again I say rejoice.


Main Scriptures: Gal.5:22-23

More Scriptures: Ezk.2:2, Rom.12:2, Gen.18:19

Until you die to self and to the dictates of the flesh, you will continue to struggle to hold onto your headship as the leader of your flock and the head of your family. Your greatest enemy is indeed your flesh, that is the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life. As the head of your family, you are daily confronted with the two forces. The force of the Spirit of God and the force of darkness. While the force of the Spirit of God wants you to do the will of God for your wife and children, the force of the darkness wants to drag you down the path of failure, disgrace and sin. This is why the Scripture encourages you and I to die to self.

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires (Gal.5:22-23).

As a husband, you must understand that the flesh comes with its passions and desires-adultery, anger, bitterness, careless living, envy, unforgiveness, comparison, unhealthy eating and lifestyles, and much more. You cannot do the will of God as a man, husband and father if your life is ruled by the influences of the flesh. God wants you to succeed as a man, husband and father. He wants you to have total control over your flesh so that your spirit man can come alive to honour Him.

But what does it mean to be crucified as a husband? It means to bring your thoughts under the control of the Holy Ghost- allowing the Person of the Holy Spirit to dictate and influence how you think, act and react. You cannot run away from all kinds of thoughts flooding your mind, but you can determine which one stays and which one is expelled from your heart. One way to determine what stays and what shouldn’t is to place the thoughts side by side the word of God. If it doesn’t fit, it mustn’t remain. So you must continue to take in the word of God much more than you take in food.

The word of God remains your mirror to life’s activities if you ever want to become a good and godly husband. And as you take the word in, the Spirit behind the word enters you and choke away fleshly thoughts (Ezk.2:2).


  • Father, by Your Spirit, empower Your word to gain root in my heart and bear fruit in my life.
  • Father, by the force of the Spirit behind Your word, destroy every hold of fleshly tendencies at work in my life.
  • Father, by the quickening power in Your word, fill my heart to obey all of Your commandments through and through.


I offer my life as a living sacrifice unto God and the influence of His word in all that I think, do and act because that is the key to becoming a good and godly husband in Jesus name. Amen.

Culled from IN TUNE WITH GOD. Tuesday November 1, 2016

The devotional IN TUNE WITH GOD© is published by The Husbandman Mission International, Headquartered in Abuja, Nigeria.

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Jesus Christ is Lord over all.

Bro. Ebenezer O. Igure

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