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One Lesson From The Well

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Main Scriptures: John 4:6-30

More Scriptures: Jn.15:5, Eph.5:23, Rom.6:23

There is a lesson you and I should learn from the meeting Jesus Christ, the perfect example of a good and godly husband, had with the Samaritan woman at the well. And if this lesson is well taken, it will help guide how you react when your flock fails or disappoints you. It will also help you to appreciate that your flock aren’t perfect people. Now, this was a woman who had been married five times. We do not know what could be responsible for that. The man she was presently living with was not legally married to her. If you are to judge her, the verdict would be condemnation- an indecent woman, who lacked character. But when she met with Jesus Christ, she found new hope. Jesus did not condemn her even though He knew the truth. Jesus engaged her in a conversation that gave her a new direction. And to that extent, she became an evangelist, bringing many to know Jesus Christ.

God does not want you to condemn your wife or children, irrespective of how much you know about their past or mistakes. God wants you to behave like His Son, Jesus Christ, towards your flock. The Scripture tells us about the person of Jesus. I did not come to condemn but to save. You are in the lives of your wife and children for a purpose. God placed you as their overseer so that He can accomplish great things in their lives through you. But you must allow the love of Christ to flood your heart. You must deal with the attitude that easily condemns rather and commend. You must always see the positives in the lives of your flock. Jesus speaking said, I came that you may have life and that you may have more abundantly. That is what Jesus did to the woman at the well. And that is what He expects you to do to your wife and children.


·         Father, in the Name of Jesus, help me to be patient with my wife and children.

·         Father, in the Name of Jesus, deliver me from a haughty spirit and empower me not give up on my flock.

·         Father, in the Name of Jesus, fill me with the spirit of courage and faith.


I walk in mercy and compassion towards my wife and children because that is what helps me to continue to serve them as a good and godly husband in Jesus Name. Amen.

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