Main Scriptures: Php.4:7-8
More Scriptures: Rom.8:5, Eph.4:23, 1Chro.16:15
I had a strange encounter in the early hours of Wednesday the 31st of January, 2018. God began to speak to me about today’s topic. He said, “feed what you like and starve what you hate”. As the head of the family, it is very important to know that every demand of your office is a seed- to love your wife, to nurture your children, to provide for your family, to walk in godliness and purity and to be a blessing to humanity. They are all seeds. You cannot love your wife and Christ by chance. You cannot be a father of affluence and influence by luck (Rev.5:10-12). You do not become a responsible shepherd because you wish it. Every good thing that you have discovered from the word of God about your position as the head of the family will remain as words until you feed it. You would like to have proofs as a man, husband and father that would inspire confidence, hope and courage in the lives of your sheep. But you must feed those good thoughts (seed). Remember that no seed ever grows beyond being a seed or bear fruits if it is not planted, cultivated and nurtured.
So, the question is how do I make my godly wishes a reality? The first step is to act it, even when it doesn’t make any sense. For instance, your wife has just offended you and you feel hurt. The natural response is to take revenge or keep malice with her. However, you know that it is godly to forgive her and keep the communication line open. What do you now do? You walk to her and tell her that you have forgiven her. You can also be the first person to greet her. Now, as you keep feeding this seed of mercy, forgiveness and kindness, it will grow so mightily that there would be no room to hold bitterness against her. The second step is for you to water your good thought by prayers. This is necessary because satan will want to contest your godly acts by offering ungodly options. He will want to wear you out by flooding your hearts with suggestions that do not reflect the nature of Jesus Christ. But when you pray you neutralize his influences. You are the head of the family. You must act what you have believed because that is what justifies your headship as a good and godly husband.
· Father, in the Name of Jesus, empower me to feed Your good thoughts in my life faithfully.
· Father, in the Name of Jesus, let the fruits of the Spirit radiate in the lives of my wife and children.
· Father, in the Name of Jesus, baptize me with the spirit of grace and supplication and let me walk in power.
I feed every good seeds that I have found from the word of God until they bear fruits in the lives of my wife and children because that is what makes me a good and godly husband in Jesus Name. Amen.
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