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The Heart Cry Of Your Wife

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Main Scriptures: Hos.6:6

More Scriptures: 1Pet.3:7, Gen.26:8, Jn.15:15

I want to show love, not sacrifices. I want you to know me more than I want burnt offerings (Hos.6:6) Living Bible Translation

Our main text today was the heart desire of God for the people of Israel. God wanted something much more than sacrifices. God wanted a relationship. God wanted friendship with them because from the beginning when He created man, He wanted fellowship. And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day….(Gen.3:8). This is the same heart cry of your wife. She doesn’t need your money as much as she desires your friendship. She doesn’t want you to sponsor her on a vacation as much as she longs for your relationship. She needs you. She needs your friendship. She wants to share her fears with you. She wants to share her pains and expectations with you. She wants to pour her pressures on you. She wants to lean on your shoulder for safety and comfort. And that is what matters to her.

But why does she need you more than your sacrifices? And why is your friendship more important to her than anything else? Jesus Christ, the perfect example of a good and godly husband, called His disciples “friends”. He said to them that they were no longer servants but friends with Him. That is the mindset God wants toward your wife. Jesus wants you to be friends with your wife as He was and is still a friend to you and I. But what is unique about being friends with your wife? True friendship eliminates barriers and guarantees freedom. True friendship explores those things that the Bible mentioned in 1Cor.13:4-end. It cares and supports. It is truthful and sincere. It believes and trusts. It develops and nurtures. It also corrects and affirms. These are some of the attributes in friendship. God has sent you to love your wife as Christ has loved the church and gave Himself (Eph.5:25, Jn.3:16). So, you are not in the life of your wife to be a burden but a blessing. And that is measured by the quality of your love seeds that you invest in her life.

However, the starting point to becoming friends with your wife is in your heart. Your heart or mind is the place where the thought of friendship begins. If your heart can think friendship with your wife, your mouth, feet, eyes, hands and body will act it. This is because out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. Hence, you must renew your mind with godly thoughts so that you can perform righteous acts to your wife as a good and godly husband.


·         Father, in the Name of Jesus, deliver me from careless and negative statements.

·         Father, in the Name of Jesus, create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit in me.

·         Father, in the Name of Jesus, empower me to act like You would to my wife.


I have resolved in my heart to befriend my wife as the bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh because that is what I am ordained to be as a good and godly husband in Jesus Name. Amen.


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