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Main Scriptures: 1Pet.3:6-8

More Scriptures: Jn.14:15, 2Cor.5:17, Col.3:21

If you are familiar with how sophisticated security doors or safe are operated, you would appreciate the importance of codes. Codes are basically rules or steps that are followed to gain access and to make progress. Just as you have codes in some fields of human endeavours, you also have codes for the sheepfold. That is your family. And so, I want to dwell on two very important codes you need to know and operate if you want to make the most of your leadership role in your family.

The first code is called CODE 101 and it is taking from two Bible passages. Husbands love thy wife as Christ has loved the Church and gave Himself to it (Eph. 5:25). Husband deal with your wife according to knowledge………… that your prayers will not be hindered (1Pet.3:7). This code is the first most important. It is the first code that you must acquaint yourself with. This code enables you access to know exactly how Jesus Christ, who is the perfect example of a good and godly husband, demonstrated unconditional love to His bride, the Church-that is you and me. If you can truly love your wife as the word of God has commanded in 1Cor.13:4-8, you will never beg her to submit to you or respect you. Infact, you will never have need to argue with her about your authority in the home. You must also understand that this code is full package. It involves giving your all-spirit, soul and body-to your wife. Sometimes you have to intercede for her as Christ intercedes for the church (Gal.4:19). Other times, you have to defend her against the power of depression, fear, doubt, ungodly peer pressure and distractions. The second code is what I call CODE 102. It is derived from Eph.6:4. And ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. You are the source of your children.  They came from you and not from your wife. You had the seeds inside of you. You planted it into your wife (womb) and she haboured it for nine (9) months and gave you children. So, it is your responsibility to apply this code as provided for in the Bible in your leadership role as a father. Your job is to train, advice, pray for, provide a roadmap for your children and inspire them in the instructions of the Lord and to greatness. You must realize that you have a principal role to play in the formation and moulding of child’s destiny. You must make yourself available and accessible.

But how do you apply these codes? Firstly, you must love the Lord your God with the whole of your heart, might, strength, spirit, soul and body (Jn.14:15). Secondly, you must be determined and committed to doing all that God has commanded that you should do from His word as it relates with your wife and children (Deut.28:1). Thirdly, you must embrace the power of prayer and fasting to make the most of your decision to unlock the codes (Acts 4:31).


  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, make me to discover Your perfect will for my wife and children from Your word.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, empower me with the ability to teach my wife and children Your precepts.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, fill me with the Spirit of hope and faith as I lead my sheep.


I receive grace to discover and apply the codes required to lead my wife and children because I am determined to rise up and walk as the good and godly husband in Jesus Name. Amen.

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