Main Scriptures: Gen.2:5
More Scriptures: Eph.6:4, Ps.112:2, 2Thess.2:8
At the time God made earth and heaven, before any grasses or shrubs had sprouted from the ground. God hadn’t yet sent rain on earth nor was there anyone around to work the ground…… (Gen.2:5) MSG
I was invited to give a charge at a covenant naming of a family member. And while I was teaching, the Holy Spirit, told me that every child is like the earth. It takes a father to till the child for him or her to yield a harvest. So, as a father, you have the singular responsibility to till your child for him or her to produce the desired results that you want to see. God recognized the importance of the man tilling the ground. The Scripture has this to say in this regard. …..God did not send the rain because there was no man to till the ground.. (Gen.2:5). You must be willing, committed and sacrificially engage all the resources God has provided for you to ensure that your child becomes the blessed seed. It is your call and not your wife’s and God will hold you accountable for the outcomes of your child.
So, how do I work my seed? The first step is by engaging the spirit of your mouth by declaring all the counsel of God over them. In Thess.2:8, the Bible calls it so. …..So the spirit of the mouth (2Thess.2:8). What this means is that your mouth is a spiritual channel that conveys spiritual words. Jesus Christ, who is the perfect example of the good and godly husband, attested to this truth. For the word that I speak to you, they are spirit and they are life…(Jn.6:63) As the shepherd, your words are not empty. They are powerful and potent. When you speak the right words, it facilitates the harvest of your earth. Secondly, you must live a life of gratitude towards God and your child. Your child may not be the perfect child. He or she may not have the perfect scores. Whatever inadequacies you have noticed in your child, do not allow satan to give you reason to accept defeat. God has great plans for your child. For the children that the Lord has given to me, they are for signs and wonders (Is.8:18) Therefore, you must always give thanks to God for making you a father and thank Him for the great plans that He has for your child. The other way you can work your child is by praying for him or her in faith. Intercession is like a catalyst. It gives value and speed to any desire. I pray until Christ is formed in you (Gal.4:19). You must not only pray for yourself, business and health. You must also intercede for your children because prayer is a seed. And because it is directed to God on behalf your children, it will fulfill your expectation for your child. You must never assume that your earth (children) will yield her increase on their own. You must activate all the spiritual buttons that establish your children as the seeds whom the Lord has blessed.
- Father, in the Name of Jesus, I take personal responsibility to work my children for the good of mankind.
- Father, in the Name of Jesus, I live for my children and work out the best of God for them.
- Father, in the Name of Jesus, I recover every good and godly attitude that my child may have lost in the past.
I make myself available and commit to work my children so that the rain of the Spirit of God will come upon them for a good and a better life in Jesus Name. Amen.
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