Main Scriptures: John 17:11-12
More Scriptures: Rom.12:1, Eph.6:1, 1Pet.1:25
The head of Christ is God and the head of the man is Christ and the head of the wife is the husband (1Cor.11:1-6)
Do you know that any husband who wants to be lord over his wife and children must first acknowledge Jesus Christ as the Lord over his own life? Until you acknowledge the Lordship of Jesus over all that you represent, it would be very difficult to exercise control and influence over your flock. In the power process of your family life, you are the go between God and your wife and children. Why is this? It is so because He made you the head of your family. That is what the Scripture in 1Cor.11 tries to communicate to you and me. It says, the head of Christ is God and the head of the man is Christ…… So, the same order that Jesus Christ does only those things that please the Father because He was under the authority of God, is the same you subject yourself to Jesus Christ. You first learnt how to be accountable to Jesus Christ, the Head of the Church and the perfect example of the good and godly husband before your wife and children can be accountable to you.
In Jn.17, the Scripture says and now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee….See how He submitted wholly to the Lordship of God. He said, “I come to thee-God”. This is Jesus Christ, the Son of God, One with God, solemnly relating to God in the fashion of a son and father relationship. Any wonder, billions of people around the world are declaring Him their Lord and Saviour. Yes, it is true that the position as the head confers on you the benefits of a lord. But it would demand that you first demonstrate your submission to Jesus Christ, who is the perfect example of a good and godly husband. The blessings you enjoy as a husband when you make Him your Lord are firstly, you receive power from Him to create the godly influence that you want to see in the lives of your sheep. You are also imparted with the Spirits of Christ. That is the life of Christ. It is the Spirit of Christ working in your life that enables you to overcome the attractions of the world. Furthermore, your wife and children would honour you in all things and at all times. In Eph.6:1, the word of God commanded children to obey us as fathers. But until they see the level of our obedience to God Almighty, they may not understand the benefits of obedience. There are two major ways you can attain this demand. First, it is through the weapon of prayer and fasting. And since prayer and fasting is an act of worship unto God, you draw strength and grace to make Him the Lord over your life. Secondly, you must be determined to make the word of God become your basis for making decision. A lot of the times, the instructions from God through His word may not make sense, but it is better than the wisdom of man.
- Father, in the Name of Jesus, I surrender my will, emotions, my body to You.
- Father, in the Name of Jesus, I give You my life, my soul and my thoughts as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable.
- Father, in the Name of Jesus, please let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to You.
I consciously and willingly declare You, Jesus Christ, the Lord over my life and all that I would ever have or become because that is the gateway for me to become the good and godly husband in Jesus Name. Amen.
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