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Main Scriptures: 1Timothy 3:2

More Scriptures: 2Tim.2:23-25, Deut.28:1, 2Tim.2:15

Another way you can deal with your wife the way Jesus Christ would is through your ability to teach her. Many times, as husbands, we forget that we are the first teachers to our wives. That we have the God-given responsibility to teach her the right way to do things. This is why you and I have the enormous task of giving ourselves to learning so that we would know when our sheep have missed it and guide them accordingly because you cannot give what you don’t have.

In 1Tim.3:2, the Scriptures highlighted the importance and power of teaching. And overseer, then must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, temperate, prudent, respectable, hospitable, ABLE TO TEACH (1Tim.3:2). One of the qualities that God has deposited inside of you as the spiritual leader in your home and over your flock is the ability to teach. The teaching grace that comes with your office is to help you communicate God’s will to your wife. As the head of the family, when last did you prayerfully sit to teach your wife about sexuality, character development, finances, hospitality, and cleanliness? It is not enough for you to complain about the incompetence of your wife. It is much more important for you to develop a programme of action that will ensure that your wife becomes a better woman, wife and mother to you and the world.

You are the Lord’s bond servant. You must not be quarrelsome but be kind to all and able to teach (2Tim.2:23-25). I remembered times when I bought books that related to the challenges that my wife was facing. I made sure I first read and the pass it on to her, prayerfully. There were other times that I had to wait for the right timing, and I sat her down to teach her. And I can tell you that it worked, and it is still working. But how do I teach my wife when she doesn’t seem to be ready or willing to learn? The first step is for you to submit yourself to be by the Holy Spirit. In 2Tim.2:15, the word of God says be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, handling accurately the word of truth. You must present yourself approved before you can attempt to approve your wife. This means that you must have allowed yourself to be taught by the Word of God and other anointed materials before you can teach your wife. You cannot teach your wife the need to respect constituted authority, including your office as the head of the family, if you have not learnt to obey and respect rules. You cannot teach your wife submission when you find it very difficult to submit to others. You cannot teach your wife to give when you have not learnt and practiced giving. And very importantly, you must diligently engage the power of prayer for her heart to be opened to your teaching, to listen, to agree and respond joyfully to what you have taught her.


  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, teach me Your ways and Your will.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, empower me to seek Your word passionately.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, open the heart of my wife to respond to the truth of Your word that I teach her.


I give myself to learning at the feet of the Holy Spirit and by His teaching guide my wife in the way that she should go because that is what makes me the good and godly husbandman in Jesus name. Amen.

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