Main Scriptures: 1 Pet.1:15-16
More Scriptures: Jas.1:14, 2Pet.3:11, Gen.12:3
The subject of holiness is as important as the desire of any godly husbandman to spend eternity with God. Many have concluded that it is impossible for you and I to live a holy life. But going through the Scriptures, it is obvious that every husbandman can live a holy life. This is what the word of God says about it. But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation, because it is written, be ye holy for I am holy (1Pet.15-16). So, if holiness is a possibility, how do I watch over my life so that I do not fall into sin?
I have observed that every sin committed begins with a conversation and ends in the act. The fall of the first husband and family in Gen.3 began with a conversation. This is why the Scripture says that be ye holy in all manner of conversation. As a husband, if you can order your conversation aright, you will overcome adultery, anger, and bitterness and many more problems. In 2Pet.3:11, the word of God says, seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in ALL HOLY CONVERSATION and godliness. As the priest over your family, the words that proceed from your mouth are powerful. In fact they are spiritual seeds because Jesus speaking said, the words that I speak to you they are spirit and they are life (Jn.6:63). In another breath, the word of God says that the power of life and death is in your tongue which is the vehicle of your conversation. You are a trans-generational agent of blessing (Gen.12:1-3). Watch your conversation so that it doesn’t lead you to sin. It is through unholy conversation that you get attracted to unholy acts (Jas.1:14-15). For instance, when you start conversing with another woman on issues that border on emotions, it could stir up lust and if not immediately stopped could lead you to be entangled in adulterous relationships. The same goes with every unholy lifestyle you have found yourself in.
As the shepherd, who has on oversight responsibility over your wife and children, holiness in words and in deeds must be your heart cry daily. You must contend for the faith. You must not let down your guards but watch over the gates of your mouth so that unholy conversation does not proceed out of it. And as you order your conversation in holiness, your life becomes honourable. As the husbandman who wants to become the godly man, husband and father, you must recognize that temptations will come to you. Your test of holiness will be tried. But you must not fall into sin through unguarded utterances. God says that He is holy. And because He is holy, you can also be holy with your conversation. You are made in His image and after His likeness. You have His nature in you. So, you can keep a holy conversation with your wife and children. If God says it, He means it.
- Father, in the Name of Jesus, deliver me from the sin that easily besets me.
- Father, in the Name of Jesus, let my conversations please You.
- Father, in the Name of Jesus, heal my tongue and cleanse my mouth from every form of filthiness.
I align my conversation with the word of God and my thoughts and speech shall bring glory to God and my sheep because that is how I can become the good and godly husbandman in Jesus Name. Amen.
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