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Scripture: Matthew 6:20-22

More scriptures: Lk.11:34-36, Da.1:6-10, Acts.19:21-23

If thy eyes be single, your whole body will be full of light………(Matt.6:22)

Fix your gaze on your sheep, fight distraction! This is what the Person of the Holy Spirit is communicating to a shepherd reading this devotional today. You must not allow anything to take your attention away from your sheep-wife and children. You must keep your gaze on them because that will help you to take quality decision about your sheepfold on the basis of the word of God. Many shepherds have lost their sheep and sheepfold because they shifted their attention away from their assignment as the good and godly husbandman.

You must understand that as the shepherd of God’s sheep in your custody, there too many distractions that may want to take your focus away from your sheep and sheepfold. You must recognize that your presence in the lives of your wife and children is to be a blessing to them and not a curse.  You occupy a prophetic office that empowers you to bless your family. In verse 55 of Genesis 31, the Scripture says that, Laban rose up early in the morning, kissed his children and blessed them. Abraham blessed Isaac and he became great. Isaac blessed Jacob and he became a giant in Israel. As the godly husbandman, you carry the power to bless your sheep, you help position them for a better tomorrow. Your word is so powerful that it can make or mar the destiny of your sheep. When you bless them, they grow up to be a blessing to you in your old age. They also become a blessing to their community. Bless your sheep and don’t curse them. Start blessing them. Start with your wife. Speak good and godly words into their lives. When you wake up in the morning, speak gracious words to them. When you are out of your home on an assignment, still speak to them.

Keep your eyes focused on the goal that is set before you as the godly husbandman. Prioritize your work as the good shepherd. Deal with every form of distraction. Let your word be seasoned with grace and power. And when you remain steadfast and focused on the task that God has assigned to you concerning your life as the godly man, husband and father without wavering, then you will generate a whole light for your life and the lives of your wife and children.

Spiritual exercise:

  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, deliver me from every form of distraction and confusion.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, empower me to remain steadfast in serving the interest of my wife and children.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, fill me with supernatural wisdom to be a blessing and not a curse to my sheep.

Faith confession:

I resist every trap of distraction but remain focus in fulfilling my assignment as the good and godly shepherd in Jesus name. Amen.

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Published inDaily Devotionals

One Comment

  1. Pete Pete

    Great read do easy to get distracted.Keepin focus

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