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Main Scriptures: Matthew 13:13-16

More Scriptures: Matt.13:16, Jn.20:29, Pro.27:23

There are very important places in every country where access is restricted. These include Presidential palaces, intelligence and defence offices, amongst many others. Movement in and out of such areas is restricted. The reason why access is restricted is because of how important and sensitive the places are to the government or organization. That is what the Person of the Holy Spirit wants to communicate to you today. And that is, your sheepfold is a restricted area where satan, sin and the world must never have access to (Jn.10:10).

As the head of the family, you must protect the emotional life of your wife and children. This includes helping them not fall into depression as is happening today where we are beginning to have children of young ages committing suicide. You must be sensitive to read beyond the veil to detect if your wife or children are happy (Jn.14:26). Don’t claim you are too busy to see that your wife is unhappy or your children have suddenly become cold or withdrawn. Be the first to know when your wife and children are depressed or in need of answers to those pressing questions bothering on their emotions.

As the one God has positioned to superintend over the lives of your wife and children, you must ensure that you feel their pulses, fears, worries and expectations. And you achieve this by watching and praying in the Holy Ghost. The Scripture says that he came and they knew Him not…(Jn.1:10). This is why Jesus speaking said watch and pray (Matt.26:41). When you pray for your wife and children, by committing their present and future into the able hands of God, Your Shepherd, you must also watch for the signs with your outer and inner eyes. Your eyes are not for show. They are meant to capture the moments in the lives of your wife and children.

Did you know that when you don’t watch to protect the emotional well-being of your wife and children, they feel neglected and seek for comfort outside? And the consequences are not good. This is why you must not fold your arms and hands and allow the devil and his agents to have a field day in the lives of your wife and children. Your responsibility is more than providing food, water, shelter, education, money and clothing. You must also ensure the emotional safety of your wife and children by watching, praying and helping them.  


  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, heal my eyes from every blindness, and make them to see.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, quicken my spirit to know the deep emotional needs of my wife and children.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, empower me to meet and protect the emotional needs of my wife and children.


I am working with the Person of the Holy Spirit to always watch, meet and protect the emotional needs of my wife and children because that is my responsibility as the good and godly husbandman in Jesus name. Amen.

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