Main Scripture: Luke 1:5-13
More scriptures: Gen. 24:4, Gal.3:19, Mk.9:29
And he spake a parable unto them to this end that men ought always to pray and not faint (Lk.18:1)
Any husbandman who has learnt how to win on his knees will stand tall before man, including his wife and children. Any husbandman who cannot pray cannot lead his family effectively. And any husbandman who cannot pray cannot make the needed good and godly changes in the lives of his wife and children. Nothing changes things like prayers.
Your position as the good and godly husbandman gives you spiritual authority to pray for the needed transformation you desire in your life and the lives of your wife and children. The Scripture in Luke chapter 1 gives a graphic picture of the power of a prevailing praying husbandman. Zechariah and Elizabeth were barren. They did not have any child and yet they were advanced in age. But the husband was a man who was given to prayer. He understood how powerful his position was in the plan and purpose of God for his family fruitfulness. He prayed fervently and continually for the blessing of the fruit of the womb. And God honoured his family. In verse 13 of Luke chapter 1, God said to him, fear not for thy prayer is heard and Elisabeth shall bear thee a son (Lk.1:13). What a reassuring response to the prayer of a husbandman.
God has empowered you to intercede for your family because you are the head of the family. You are the spiritual authority in your family. You’re the priest of your family. Jesus Christ, your Perfect example intercedes and continues to pray for His bride, the church.
Begin from today by interceding and praying for your family. Set aside days of the week that you uphold your life, the lives of your wife and children in effectual prayer. Pray for their well-being fervently. Start praying for their future, today. Begin to sow the prayer seeds today. This is the virtue that gives value and worth to your headship as the good and godly husbandman. Your worth is not only in material provisions but also in spiritual provision. Take the battle to the enemy’s gate. Don’t leave it for your wife to handle. Be the man that God has made you to be. Pray against that attack of the enemy rearing its head in the lives of your wife and children. Don’t complain and don’t cry. You’re the head. Demonstrate your headship in Christ Jesus. Command that disease to depart from you and in your family kingdom. Command that stranger to leave your family alone.
• Father, in the Name of Jesus, fill me with the Spirit of grace and supplication.
• Father, in the Name of Jesus, deliver me from the power of discouragement and doubt
• Father, in the Name of Jesus, fill my heart with the spirit of faith to do the impossible.
I am filled with the spirit of grace and supplication to always stand in the gap for my wife and children because that is what makes me the good and godly husbandman in Jesus name. Amen.
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