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Bible Texts: Lk.15:18, Jn.3:16, Rom.6:1, 2Cor.5:17, Ps.24:1-2, Ps.51:10, Rev.3:20, 1Pet.1:16, Joel 2:12, Acts.10:30-32

“There is the husbandman who is reading this devotional today, you have left the old landmark in Christ because of the challenges of life, and right in your heart you are unhappy but you do not have the courage to return to the ways of Christ. The Spirit of the Lord is saying to you, return today because today is the day of salvation”

Jesus Christ gave an illustration in Luke chapter 15 about the relationship between the father and his child and how God is the good Father who is willing and ever ready to receive anyone who returns to Him in repentance, regardless of the sins or offences of the child.

The child left home with the inheritance his father gave him. He took the resources and wasted them in a riotous life. He lost connection and fellowship with his father. He was empty. But one day, he realized the need of his father. And he said this.

I will arise and go to my father and will say unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven and before thee (Lk.15:18)

The son made up his mind and returned to his father. Happily, he actually returned to meet his father waiting for him. The father welcomed him home and celebrated his return and said,

It was meet that we should make merry and be glad, for this thy brother was dead and is alive again and was lost and is found (Lk.15:32)

God is your Father. He wants to have an uninterrupted fellowship with you. He is not happy with the sinful life you are living. He loves you but hates the sin. His arms are always wide to receive you when you come to him. God delights to see you grow as the good and godly man, husband and father. God wants you to live the life that will bring glory to Him. God wants you to be the light and wants you to shine forth. Don’t remain in sin. Don’t conclude that your case cannot be redeemed. Don’t close your case. There is hope for you to begin a new walk of righteousness with God. Therefore, make a decision today to repent of your sins and irresponsible lifestyles and return to God.

Now that you are ready, please pray this prayer of salvation

Lord, Jesus I come to You today. I repent of all my sins. Forgive me of all my sins. Wash me with Your precious blood and make me whole. I invite You into my life to be my Lord and Saviour. Thank You, Jesus for saving me. Thank You for accepting me. Thank You for the fellowship.


  • Father, in the name of Jesus, forgive me of all my sins and transgressions.
  • Father, in the name of Jesus, receive me into the kingdom of Your dear Son, Jesus Christ.
  • Father, in the name of Jesus, empower me to live a holy and righteous life.


I arise from my sinful life and return to God, my Father through Jesus Christ, because I want to serve and honour Him as the good and godly husbandman in Jesus name. Amen.

Excerpt from IN TUNE WITH GOD devotional of Monday May 1, 2023

The devotional IN TUNE WITH GOD© is published by The Husbandman Mission International, Headquartered in Abuja, Nigeria.


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Jesus Christ is Lord over all.

Bro. Ebenezer O. Igure

Head of Mission

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