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Husband Man Devotional Posts

Are You Rightly Positioned?

As the head of your family, it is very important for you to know that in the family setting, there is your place-the position that God has made for you to function in. And that is what God will use to measure your performance. And when you are in the place that God has assigned to you and you carry out the demands that come with that position, then God will bless you and compel your wife and children to honour and reverence you.

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Your Bride Belongs To You

Your wife is God’s prized jewel to you. And God has given her to you exclusively for your own benefit. So, if your wife seems to be having an adulterous relationship with another man or she is hooked on pornography or drugs, fight for her recovery. She is not meant to be in that wrong relationship or substances or habits. She is meant to be with and for you because she belongs to you.

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The Buck Stops With You

any a time when the family system breaks down, the society tells you it is the fault of the wife. When the husband shirks in his responsibilities as a man, husband and father, the wife is blamed for it. Consequently, you find more women in prayer houses and marriage conferences seeking for ways to salvage their family-fold. And the resultant effect is that we have raised irresponsible husbands and fathers who would rather preferred to be sheep than shepherds

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