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At Thy Word I Will Cast My Net

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Main Scriptures: Jn.21:2-6

More Scriptures: Acts 20:32, Heb.13:9, Eph.1:18

In the early hours of Thursday the 5th of April, 2018, the Scripture I am about to share with you, came alive so strongly in my spirit. It is the story of Jesus and Peter. After a long and hard day of fishing expedition by Peter and his co-fishermen, they caught nothing. They did all they knew to do but ended up with nothing to show. They became frustrated. They lost hope that anything good would come out from their effort again. They washed their fishing nets and were about to leave when they met Jesus Christ. Jesus told them to cast their nets again in the same place where they had attempted but they argued with Him and justifiably so. They had done it before but it did not yield anything, so why should they attempt it again. But Peter said, we have labored all day but caught nothing but at your word, we shall cast our net. And as they obeyed Him, they caught a great harvest of fishes to the extent that their nets broke.

This is the lesson for every husband. You may have tried all approaches to get your wife and children to follow your instructions, submit to you, honour you and grow to become great sheep. Perhaps, you have prayed, fasted, bought books and tapes, spoken to someone to speak to your sheep, readjusted your attitude in order for peace to reign. But all your efforts seem not to yield any positive results. In fact, your sheep are getting worse and farther into rebellion and discontent. You may have been frustrated like Peter was and concluded that your wife and children are lost cases. Well, don’t wash your nets. Jesus Christ, who is the perfect example of a good and godly husband, has the final key to your victory. He wants you to open your heart to Him and He will teach you the right strategy. According to the word of God, there is a time and a season for everything (Ecc.3:1-2). And God is described as a God of times and seasons. Jesus Christ is also described as the Wisdom of God.

You must understand that there is one more step to take, one more word to speak, one more prayer to pray and one more declaration to make over your disobedient and chaotic sheep. So, the first step is for you to come to Jesus sincerely and lay it as it is to Him. Tell Him how you feel about your flock. Tell Him your fears and how desperate you need Him to help. Don’t hide anything from Him. Also, tell Him that you are ready to do whatever He wants you to do even if it looks foolish. And as you follow these steps, you recover all lost grounds in your sheepfold.


·         Father, in the Name of Jesus, empower me to trust Your word again.

·         Father, in the Name of Jesus, open my eyes to behold light from Your word and make it guide me.

·         Father, in the Name of Jesus, let the power of Your word destroy every frustration in my life.


I have confidence in the word of God over and above my frustration because the WORD OF GOD is my anchor to bringing my flock to the winning side of Jesus Christ and also making me a good and godly husband to my wife and children in Jesus Name. Amen.

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