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Main Scriptures: Jer.1:11-13

More Scriptures: Mk.8:18, Matt.13:16, Jn.9:6

Let me begin by saying that no husband irrespective of his status and position in church, business or politics can treat his wife better than the pictures he has formed for her in his mind. This is why you must think in pictures as the man, husband and father. Read what the Bible says about this truth. For as a man thinks in his heart so is he (Pro.23:7). Whatever you are going to do to your wife and children be it positive or negative originates from the mental picture you have about them. If you think that your wife is a witch, you will call her one, and tell your family members about it. If you think of your wife as a housemaid, you will treat her as one. If you picture your wife as a fool, not valuable, you will avoid her and cannot be proud of her. Furthermore, if you picture your child or children as failures and good-for-nothing, you will never want to invest in them. In fact, you will abandon them to themselves and this can be dangerous for you the father. For a child that is left unto himself shall bring shame to his parents (Pro.29:15). If you can have the image of your child or children as successful seeds, full of wisdom and being a blessing to humanity, firmly settled in your heart, you will invest in them.

So, for you to form the right pictures of your wife and children in your heart, you must be willing and be ready to do these action plans. Firstly, you must have a relationship with the owner of your life and that of your wife and children. His name is Jesus Christ. Jesus said, you must be born again (Jn3:7). You must confess and repent of your sins and invite Jesus into your heart (please see inside back cover for prayer of salvation). Secondly, you must give attention to the word of God by liking it, studying it and meditating on it. Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path (Ps.119:105).   And Jesus Christ, who holds the true design and purpose of your sheep in His hands is the Way, the Truth and the Life (Jn.14:6). Thirdly, you must pray into existence the picture that God shows you about your sheep from His word. The Bible has this to say and you must agree with it. Ask and it shall be given, seek and you shall find and knock and the door shall be open to you (Jn.7:7). The Scripture also says that you receive not because you did not ask (Jas.4:2).  Lastly, you must keep making bold declarations and confession over your sheep. I believe and now I speak (2Cor.4:13). Your prayer must be consistent with your confession if you want results. With the heart man believeth and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation (Rom.10:10). As the head of the family and shepherd over God’s sheep, you cannot be a good and godly man, husband and father to your sheep more than the quality of the picture you have formed about them in your heart.


  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, help me to study Your word and reveal to me Your great plan for my sheep.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, help me to see Your picture of my sheep.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, empower my declaration to yield outstanding results in the lives of my wife and children.


I have made up my mind to work with the Person of the Holy Spirit so that He can reveal to me the great images of my wife and children and I commit to think and act in that fashion because that is what makes me the good and godly husband in Jesus Name. Amen.

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