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Husband Man Devotional Posts

Responsibility, Access To Your Inheritance (1)

No husband will ever take possession of his godly inheritance in Christ unless he becomes responsible spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically and financially. A lot of the times as the head of the family, we are quick to claim the promises of God for our positions, we are also quick to remind our flock that we are the head of the family, yet we continue to fail in living up to the expectations of the calling of our office

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The Whole Duty Of Man

Your duty as the head of your family is to fear God and keep all His commandments. The word of God says that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. When you reverence God and obey all His instructions as they concern you as the man, husband and father, then you will be filled with the wisdom of God. And no shepherd operates the wisdom of God and misses his place in sheepfold.

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No Work, No Food

No husband has the right to demand for food from his wife when he has not provided the money. No husband has the right to speak out when other fathers are talking when it is his wife who pays the school fees. No husband has the right to claim headship of his home when it is the wife who pays the rent. It doesn’t matter how long you have been in the faith and it matters less how spiritual you are, if you are not the providing for your family, you are not fit and proper to be called the head of the family.

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The Man-child

A man-child is a man who married but still lives like a dependent. He depends on his wife to foot the financial bills of the home, which include children’s school fees, house rent etc. He also depends on his parents for hand-outs and leeches around with his father and mother. There is nothing you can trace that they have acquired by reason of their work. Another, character of the man-child is that they manipulate people around them. They present themselves as caring people but behind it is a plot of what they can get from you. They are also self-centered. All they think of is about themselves.

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