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Main Scriptures: Jn.1:37-45

More Scriptures: Gen.12:1, 1Sam.1:3, Gen.14:14

Have you ever travelled through a road and you seem to have lost your way? But as you look ahead, you find a sign indicating the direction as well as distance. And as you follow the direction, you arrive at your desired location and joy fills your heart. So, I want to liken you to a sign board and I want to challenge every husband who truly wants to be the godly husbandman in the real sense of the plan and purpose to accept that he is the head and he has a responsibility to disciple his wife and children in these directions -spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically and financially.

Now, after reading the Scripture below, I want you to answer some questions which I believe would help your understanding as the godly husbandman. And the two disciples heard him speak, and they followed Jesus. (Jn.1:37). Two men saw Jesus, heard Him speak and immediately they followed Him. And as they followed Him, He discipled and made them all that God wanted them to be. So, before you start complaining that your wife and children are not following you, please ask yourself these questions truthfully. How much of the truth of the gospel do you know that you want to share with your sheep? (Jn.3:16). Do you talk more than you listen? Are you humble like Jesus Christ, who though was God did not consider it anything to stoop so low to serve our interests? Have you developed competence in areas that could be beneficial to your sheep? Do you encourage your sheep or discourage them? Are you compassionate and merciful or vengeful? As the godly husbandman, you must continue to evaluate your person to be sure that you are line with the Biblical demands and expectations of a leading light.

God has put you in charge of your family fold. This is not to mean that your wife is not important in the administration of the family kingdom. But you have a responsibility to lead as the leader. Jesus Christ is the perfect example of how husbands are to behave in all things. In several passages of Scriptures, He was and is described as the Bridegroom. So, if Jesus led His disciples by indicating the way to go, you must do likewise. Jesus was called Master by His flock not only because He was Jesus but because He demonstrated quality leadership. Therefore, I pray in the name of Jesus Christ that every foundational error of your life that has made you look unfit to becoming a good and godly husband to your wife and children be corrected. I also pray that the grace that you need to act like the godly husband indeed be released to you in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. But what do I need to truly lead my wife and children in the way that God would? What do I need to do to become a worthy indicator to my sheep?


  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, teach me to be a godly role model to my wife and children.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, uphold me with Your grace to walk in the stead of a godly indicator to my sheep.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, deliver me from every wrong foundation responsible for my misbehavior as the leader in my sheepfold.


I take full charge of my family kingdom to provide purposeful leadership to my wife and children because that is what makes me the good and godly husband in Jesus Name. Amen.

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