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Main Scriptures: Num.30:1-16

More Scriptures: Lk.10:19, Gen.3:16, 1Cor.2:4

Today’s topic is profound. It is the power of God available to every husband. If any husband can catch the revelation in this passage of Scriptures, he naturally begins to operate as the godly priest in his sheepfold. It is the power to nullify. Our Bible passage is quite long, but I encourage you to please study it, meditate on it and act on it. So, I choose to read a few for you.

And Moses spake unto the heads of the tribes concerning the children of Israel saying this is the thing which the Lord hath commanded…………and if she has at all a husband, when she vowed or uttered aught out of her lips, wherewith she bound her soul. And her husband heard it and held his peace at her in the day that he heard it, then her vows shall stand and her bonds wherewith she bound her soul shall stand. But if her husband disallowed her on the day that he heard it, then he shall make her which she vowed and that which she uttered with her lips wherewith she bound her soul, of none effect and the Lord shall forgive her. (Num.30:1, 6-8).

What an awesome power that God given to you as the husband. Now, consider for a moment that your wife entered a vow that has kept her soul in bondage or that she entered an ungodly covenant that you were not aware of and she or all of you are now suffering as a result. God said you have the power to nullify the covenant. That is the authority that you have. It doesn’t matter who initiated your wife into witchcraft or idolism, and it matters less whether she did it knowingly or not. As long as she is under your roof and you legally married to her according to law and customs, you can override the negative judgment against her and by extension your well-being. I want you to note very important statements from the Scriptures in Numbers chapter 30 and please meditate on them. If her husband disallowed her on the day that he heard it, then he shall make her which vowed and that which she uttered with her lips wherewith she bound her soul shall be of NONE EFFECT and the LORD SHALL FORGIVE HER. So, you can restore, recover and replenish your wife from every evil and bondage. You can plead for mercy from the Lord on her behalf and God shall forgive her. Do you know why you have that authority? It is because God made you to have rule over her (Gen.3:16). And in Luke 10:19, Jesus Christ gave you power to overcome. Your ability to function as the man of authority in the life of your wife is what helps her build confidence in you and consequently makes her call you lord. Your wife may doubt your colour, age, qualification and height. But she cannot doubt the raw power of God at work in your life that you have demonstrated to save her from the oppressions of the wicked.


  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, confirm Your words that I declare over my wife in the day of her challenge.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, validate every prophetic word I speak over the hold of the devil on my wife.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, baptize me with the spirit of faith.


I have power with God and I rescue my wife from every satanic bondage and bring her into her place of liberty because that is what makes me the good and godly husband in Jesus Name. Amen.

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