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Bible Texts: Matt.26:14-16, Matt.6:22, Ex.24:14

Then one of the twelve called called Judas Iscariot, went unto the chief priests. And said unto them, what will ye give me, and I will deliver him unto you? And they covenanted with him for thirty pieces of silver. And from that time he sought opportunity to betray him (Matt.26:14-16).

The Bible passage in Matthew chapter 26 and verses 14 to 16 is the story of a man who chose to betray Jesus Christ. His name is Judas Iscariot. He was willing to offer his loyalty for his master for temporary gains of money. He later regretted and consequently died.

This has become the attitude of so many husbandmen. They have and continued to betray their sheep for the temporary gain of sexual pleasure. If you are having extramarital affair with another woman, you are like Judas. You have betrayed your wife. When you physically abuse and assault your wife, you have betrayed the confidence and trust your children have for you for being the husband of their mother.

God loves you so much that He does not want you to betray the trust that your wife and children have for you. There is no amount of money, position or beauty that any woman can offer you that can compare to the burden, pain and disappointment that come when you betray your wife. You must also understand that when you betray your wife, it makes God unhappy. One of the 10 commandments God gave in the Bible is about trust. You shall not commit adultery (Ex.20:14). There is also no offence that your wife may have committed against you that should make you run to another woman to start adulterous relationship. Do not allow satan and the world blind you from seeing the good sides of your wife. You must fight every attempt of hell that wants to make you focus only on the failures of your wife and children. Hold on to this word from the Bible. Let your eyes be single and your whole body will be full of light (Matt.6:22).

Prayer Focus: Prayer For The Family (Day 30 of 70 Days)

  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, contend with every force of ungodliness and frustration threatening my family this year 2022 (1Tim.4:8)
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, make the lines over my family to fall in good and pleasant places this year 2022 (Ps.16:6)
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, announce my family and make us famous and prosperous (Ps.112:1-3)

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