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Husband Man Devotional Posts

When God Cannot Help You

As the head of the family, there is no challenge that you have with your sheep that you cannot overcome. There is nothing that the devil throws at you with the intention to defile you that cannot be overrun (2Cor.7:1). God has the power to help you ride over anger, bitterness, barrenness, unforgiveness, bad will and malicious gossips that you may have against your wife or children or any other person. All you have to do is to ask the Lord to help you and believe in your heart that He can.

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The Humble Penny

Just like the penny, you may not look like someone of value to your wife and children. Perhaps, you have lost your job or business. May be you have failed several times in your endeavour and you are being despised by your sheep, friends and family members. The devil and your present unpleasant circumstances may indicate that you are worthless. Never mind! You are not. You count every step of the way the same way every penny counts to the business man.

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Oxygen O2

As the head of your family and the shepherd over your sheep, you are a critical success factor in the lives of your flock. You represent a vital part of their lives. You mean so much to your sheep. This is what Jesus Christ, the perfect example of a good and godly husband, reflected when He said, I came that you may have life and have it more abundantly………. And without Me, you can do nothing……

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It Starts With A Thought

While I was meditating on the challenges husbands are faced with and their responses, the Holy Spirit, my Teacher and Guide said these words to me. “Everything begins with a thought” . He said that every negative lifestyle and habit that husbands find themselves in begin with a thought. Wife battering, adultery, dishonesty, lack of confidence, bitterness, envy, hopelessness, insecurity, fear, unforgiveness, hatred, tightfistedness, addiction to pornography and drugs all begin with a thought.

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