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Work To Provide Honourable Things

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Main Scriptures: 2Corinthians 8:17-21

More Scriptures: Ps.113:3, Heb.13:4, 1Tim.4:12

……………. avoiding this, that anyone should blame us in this lavish gift which is administered by us-providing honourable things not only in the sight of the Lord, but also in the sight of men (2Cor.8:18-21)

One of the responsibilities that God expects you to perform for your wife and children is to bear honourable fruits. This means that your life, conduct, works and words should bring honour to God and His kingdom on earth. And this is further reiterated by Jesus Christ, who is the perfect example of a good and godly husband, in Matt.5:14-16. Ye are the salt of the earth and ye are the light of the world. And it should shine before men so that they would glorify God. As the head of the family, God has given you the ability to bear honourable fruits because He created you in His image and likeness (Gen.1:26-28). So, you don’t have any excuse to give why you cannot have good testimonies. Now, there are two most important people that require your honourable fruits. The first is God and the second your sheep. Providing honourable things in the sight of God and also in the sight of men (2Cor.8:21b).

So what are some of the honourable things you are expected to provide? Being truthful to your wife and children, providing for the spiritual, emotional, material, financial and physical needs of your sheep, treating your wife with honour is also honourable and taking the responsibility to nurture and train your children in the way and admonition of the Lord Jesus Christ is honourable. Anything that you do that agrees with the word of God is honourable, and anything you do that is contrary to the word of God is dishonourable. It is dishonorable for you to physically and emotionally abuse or beat up your wife. For you to deny your wife and children goodwill and provisions is not honorable.

There are husbands who are zealous in church service. They give their time and finances, and are committed to church activities. But the things and attitudes that these husbands put up or do to their wives and children at the home front are so dishonorable that you just wonder if it is the same person. God is saying to you that your headship over your family is to live an honourable life not only before God but also before your flock. But how do l provide honourable things before God and my wife and children? The first thing to do is to love your wife and children sincerely and passionately as Christ has loved the church (Eph.5:25). The second thing that you must do is to show interest in them and the things that they do. You are the head of the family and your life is designed to impact positively on their lives. Make it honourable so that they may see honour.


·         Father, in the Name of Jesus, empower me to have good testimonies in my sheepfold.

·         Father, in the Name of Jesus, make me a fruitful vine to my wife and children.

·         Father, in the Name of Jesus, empower to make the most impact in the lives of my sheep.


I make my life a living and positive testimony unto God and to my wife and children because that is what makes me a good and godly husband in Jesus name. Amen.


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