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Main Scriptures: Deut.28:1-2

More Scriptures: Rom.12:21, 1Cor.15:58, Matt.6:22

Let me begin by saying that life and enduring success are guided by laws. And the Bible is composed of laws. The Scripture in Deuteronomy chapter 28 and verse 1 says that if you will hearken diligently to all the laws of the Lord and do all His commandments, then all the blessings shall come to you. It is in this light that I want to teach on the law of exertion. Now what does the law say? The law says that strength requires repetition. This means that the more you repeat an action, the stronger it gains root and traction. So, the question you must ponder on as the head and leader of your sheepfold is this. How much of the goodness of God have you repeated to your undeserving wife and children? How often do you repeat the act of forgiveness, mercies, kindness, compassion, and all that godly likeness of Jesus Christ, the perfect example of the good and godly husband?

As the head of the family and the caretaker of the treasures of God, you must understand that the will of God is for you to be like Him to your wife and children. So, He sent you as His ambassador to the lives of your sheep. And like Apostle Paul remarked to his followers, be ye followers of me as I am of Christ, your sheep are sent to you to follow you. But you must not just be the image of Christ, you must also be like Him. You don’t stop doing good to your sheep because they have offended you. You don’t take revenge because you think you have the advantage. Whatever nature you had put forward to your flock that projects you as the good and godly husbandman must not stop. Keep repeating those actions in love. That is your life.

But for you to continue to repeat the life of Jesus Christ to your sheep, you need to appreciate this truth. Your wife and children are not perfect, so they are likely to make mistakes. Secondly, your sheep are made in the image and likeness of God, so you have the onerous task of helping them become Chrislike. Thirdly, your sheep need a leader they can follow, so you have the responsibility to provide godly leadership to them. The first step you must take is to engage the word of God as your final authority and allow it to rule your life. Do not allow evil to overcome good but overcome evil with good. (Romans 12:21). It is true that you are dissatisfied with what your wife and children have done and you have every reason to act like a carnal husband. However, you must always uphold the word of God over and above your feelings. Secondly, you must consciously pray for the love of God to have dominion over the thought of your heart. The Scripture says that love is the virtue of Jesus Christ. Let the love of Christ be spread in hearts by the Holy Ghost (Rom.5:5). You must ask the Person of the Holy Ghost to fill your heart with so much of His love that hate will have no place in your life.


  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, empower me with the Spirit of love.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, empower me to demonstrate the Christ-like nature to my wife and children.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, deliver me from hate, bitterness and unforgiveness against my sheep.


I am not discouraged from repeating the goodness of God to my wife and children even when they do not deserve it because I am created by God to be the good and godly husband in Jesus name. Amen.

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