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Bible Texts: Eph.5:12, Philp.3:17, 1Thess.1:6, Eph.5:1, Jos.24:15, Matt.5:14-16, Jn.3:3-5, 2Cor.5:17, Gal.3:13, Ps.23:1-3, Ps.1:1-3

Be ye therefore followers of God as dear children, and walk in love as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering  and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling savour (Eph.5:1-2)

The above Scripture was an admonition from Apostle Paul. Paul was speaking to his followers. He said to them to be followers of God and that they should walk in love. Now let us put this in perspective.

As the head of your family and the shepherd over your wife and children, you are a follower of Jesus Christ. In Eph.5:25, the Scripture says that husbands love thy wife as Christ has loved the church. So, everything that makes for good and godly husband-hood is in Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life. He has the plan that will make you succeed in your position as the head of your family. So, the same way God has ordained your wife and children to be your followers is the same way He wants you to follow His Son, Jesus Christ in words and in deeds. Your wife and children are to follow you as their leader. They are supposed to look up to you as their mentor and example. You have the responsibility to provide the plan, guide and give direction for them. God wants your wife and children to follow you in the path of righteousness because you are following Jesus Christ, the Righteous One. That is the will of God.

But for you to lead your wife and children to do the things that are right, you must first be doer of every instruction that Jesus Christ has laid down for you in His word-the Bible. It is your walk with God that determines how much influence you will have over your wife and children. Most importantly, your life must demonstrate an unwavering submission to the will of God, from His Word- the Bible. What this means is that the word of God is your final authority. Your thoughts, action and conduct as the good and godly man, husband and father must be ruled by the word of God.

As the godly husbandman, if your wife and children have become rebellious or resist following you, you must ask yourself these questions. Am I living a transparent life that my wife and children can emulate? Have I truly been a worthy mentor to them? Do my actions towards them and the things of God agree with what I say? Have I said something negative or did something different?

Your wife and children are watching you. If they don’t see you as a worthy, good and godly example, they will not follow you no matter how much you shout or intimidate them. Ye are the light of the world……and let your light so shine before men that they may glorify your Father who is in heaven… (Matt.5:14-17). Therefore, it is important for you to continually examine your life to see if you are still doing the right things for God and to them.


  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, baptize me with an undying love for Your word.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, let my life bring You glory and honour, as I lead my wife and children.
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, empower me to submit my will to the power of Your word.


I renew my commitment to following Jesus Chris in truth and in Spirit and do those things that He commands me to do to my wife and children because that is what makes me the good and godly husbandman in Jesus name. Amen.

The devotional IN TUNE WITH GOD© is published by The Husbandman Mission International, Headquartered in Abuja, Nigeria.

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Jesus Christ is Lord over all.                                                                                                      

Bro. Ebenezer O. Igure

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